I'm Vishruth.
An Engineer
based in Bangalore.

I'm an undergraduate at IIT Bombay, eager to collaborate on innovative projects that harness my inquisitiveness in AI, Start-ups, Racecars and Aerospace!

My Work

Stuff I've worked on and Teams I've Collaborated With


IIT Bombay Racing, Subsystem Lead

I currently am the tech lead for the Software (Controls, Communications and Data Acquisition) Subsystem of the team where we build a full fledged Electric Racecar from scratch.


Undergraduate Projects, IIT Bombay

I’ve worked on a wide variety of projects exploring LLMs, computer networks, reinforcement learning, deep learning, and blockchain so far.


Collaborative Management, Student bodies at IIT Bombay

I've strategized large scale events (on behalf of IIT Bombay Racing and E-Cell IITB), built business models and financial plans around ideas for startups and am running a side hustle that leverages AI.

Philosophy & values

I believe that we all share a common goal – to create a better future for humanity by harnessing the power of technology. My driving force is rooted in the following values: relentless curiosity, audacious vision, and unwavering determination. I strive to contribute to the world by pushing the boundaries of what's possible and maximizing the positive impact of technology on society.

More about me


As an engineer having worked with various disciplines, I strive to bring together technical knowledge and management skills to contribute effectively to multifaceted projects. My continuous pursuit of growth and learning enables me to adapt and collaborate, fostering a supportive and productive environment for any team I lead.

Project Management

Leading teams and executing various events helped me hone my ability to foster collaboration, navigate challenges, and deliver successful outcomes in diverse project settings.

Adaptive Programming

With an affinity to Python, C++, MATLAB, and Solidity, I embrace challenges in tackling diverse programming tasks! While I love scripting in Python and trying out sneaky stuff, LaTeX is also something I adore.

Working with automation tools and Prompt Programming🤖

I'm a true fan of automation and prompt programming, I'm always on the lookout for the latest AI tools to tinker with. When a new tech marvel enters the scene, you'll find me at the front of the line, ready to dive in! (Zapier is my fav)

Embedded Systems and PCB Design

As a PCB design and control systems aficionado, I find joy in weaving intricate electronic tapestries. With a dash of curiosity, I enjoy deploying software on Microcontrollers

Contact Me :)

Now that you know a lot about me, send a message if you wanna talk about anything from pizzas to spaceships!

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